You cleaned, re-organized, and staged your home in preparation for the iconic red, white and blue sign to be planted firmly on your front lawn. In the time it took to sell, you found your dream home, crossed all the “t’s” dotted the “I’s” and began the countdown until the keys to your new home are in your hand. The day has finally arrived, which means you have one last challenge to face: Moving Day!
“Whether you’re a first time buyer moving into your first home, upgrading to accommodate your growing family, or even downsizing, moving can be a stressful experience.”
In an ideal world, planning for your move six weeks in advance will help you ensure you are well prepared come moving day. Allowing yourself plenty of time will give you the chance to sort through your belongings and determine which items will be making the move with you, and which ones will be the newest addition to your local landfill. If there is a time to get rid of the coffee table from your dorm room, or the bedroom suite that has seen better days, now is it. Here are a few additional moving tips that will make your life much easier!
- Pack the items you will need first in a clear plastic bin
- Pack your plates vertically so they are less likely to break
- Take a photo of how you electronics are connected so you can know where the wires go
- Wrap your breakables in clothing to save on bubble wrap
- Keep your glassware safe by packing it with clean socks
Whether this is your first move, or you have moved so many times you are an unofficial expert on the topic, anything to make this potentially stressful day a little easier can make or break the overall success of your moving day.